Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tippy Thursday's: Beginner's in Heels!

Aloha Thursday!

Today's Tippy Thursday's Tip is for Beginner's in Heels!!!

Once you've jumped in the Pole Dancing Band Wagon you also want to immediately jump into the Pole Dancing with Heels Band Wagon too!!  This is completely normal even for women who NEVER wear heels and would have to buy their first pair of heels to get on that Band Wagon!

Here are a couple of tips to follow before trying to Pole Dance with heels on:

  1. Take a week to wear heels on a daily basis.  For example, wear heels to work, to the grocery store, etc.  Get used to these things first ladies especially you Stiletto Virgins and Stiletto One Night Standers!
  2. After you are comfy with walking in them after a week start to do your Pole Walk with them.  You may think this will be an easy transition and it may be for some but it is different seeing that your body movements will be walking regular and doing your Pole Walk;)
  3. Comfy with the Pole Walk in heels?  Try standing with your back on the pole and do a Pole Pump or two.  Then do your Pole Walk into Pole Turn into a Pole Pump;).

Baby steps ladies, baby steps!  After you are comfy in those heels with all the above try doing some of the beginner moves and transitions in those heels.  It may still be awkward and unbalanced for a while but the more you practice with them the better you will get.  I would suggest to always make sure you have a certain move down without heels before you try them with the heels.  Especially when you get to more advanced moves like inverts and holds.  Make sure you have those DOWN before trying with heels.  You want to make sure your control from a hold and inverted move is strong and steady and that you are able to completely control your body all the way to the ground because landing hard on to your heels can be a very dangerous thing and will most likely lead to injury!

The RIGHT pair of heels for Pole Dancing:
  1. Although strapless heels are super sexy make sure to have straps on the heels you use for Pole Dancing for the safety of you, all the people in the same room as you and all objects around as well (many accidents where heels go flying during certain moves)!
  2. They should have rubber soles and rubber on the bottom of the heel as well (shown above).
  3. They should fit perfect!  If you are between sizes go for the smaller one because after using them for a while they will stretch out and start to fit better.  If you get them too big they may get too big and fall off or may cause you to lose balance a lot more often (more prone to injury than you already are).
  4. NO wedges!
  5. Nothing dangling, not just yet anyways.
  6. MOST IMPORTANTLY: they must be cute;)!
Unfortunately, the best place to find heels that follow the above criteria are at "Stripper" Shops.  Best thing about the "Stripper" Shops is that you can see, touch, feel and try on the heels before buying which is great!  Another option you can go with is online purchasing!  Great thing about online purchasing of heels is that there are so many options, no awkward feeling walking into the shop, cheaper prices and reviews.  You pick what best fits you:)


Please remember to be safe with the heels ladies!  I know I sound like a mother send her child off on their first solo car drive but I just want to stress being safe:)!!  The criteria and tips posted above are my opinion from experience and not backed up by any federation or association:).

Have fun ladies and see you back here next Thursday for another Tippy Thursday Tip!!!

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