Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tippy Thursdays: Pole Dance Virgins ... You Can Do It!;)

Aloha Lovlies:)

Today's Tippy Thursday's Tip is for people who are interested in pole dancing as well as people who have just began the wonderful journey!  The most obvious but best tip you could get going into pole dancing is to never get discouraged!  Every person is different which means every person is going to learn and catch on to new things at their own pace so if someone on the pole next to you gets a certain move right away and you don't, don't get discouraged!!  It is very important to remember this because although your thinking, "Um, duh!  I know that!", we all do this but just remember to keep telling yourself that your time will come and you will totally get that specific move in time!  The worst thing you can do is push yourself to much which could possibly lead to an injury.  Always make sure when learning a new move that you are using the correct technique and giving your body and mind time to adjust to this new move as well.  The worst thing you can do to yourself is to find something you love doing, push yourself to hard and get injured to where you cannot enjoy your new found love.  So, with that being said, YOU CAN DO IT!!!  As Aaliyah once sang, "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!"  If you believe in yourself and stay positive you will feed off of that and not only get that specific move but feel better about yourself:)!


Please comment with any feedback or tips for our wonderful new comers and newbies on how they can keep themselves from getting discouraged from your own experience:)  I know we all have had our times and could share to help:)

Have a great Thursday everyone!!

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