Friday, August 10, 2012

Fitness Friday's: Baby Steps to Gettin' it In!

Aloha Polers, It's Friday!!!

Woohoo!  Finally right?!?  Well, I know how hard it can be waiting for Friday to come!  It's definitely not as hard as trying to add exercise into your routine.  When people think of adding exercise into their routines they automatically think they need to run on the treadmill for 1 hour, do 300 crunches, 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups and 100 walking lunges to say they worked out.  UNTRUE!!!  Don't freak yourself out or set your goals to high especially when you haven't worked out for a long while.  I've noticed that when people all of a sudden want to work out and get back into the gym they go shopping for new workout clothes (for motivation), buy new shoes (for motivation), buy a new ipod (for motivation), buy a new gym membership, go and workout super hard one day and then never go back! LOL!  It may seem far fetched but I have seen MANY people do exactly just!  Rushing into an intense workout routine doesn't work for everyone and definitely does not work for me!  If you are one of these people you need to take Baby Steps to Gettin' It In!  Here are some examples of baby steps:

  • Parking your car at the back of the parking lot instead of right in front of your destination:)
  • Using an Exercise Ball for a chair at work instead of a desk chair:)
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator:)
  • Taking a walk during your lunch break instead of staying in your office on FB:)
  • Take your poor puppy for more walks a day:)
  • Where ankle weights under your jeans:)
  • Stop taking short cuts:)
  • Do crunches on your Exercise Ball Chair while on the computer checking emails and on the phone:)
  • When you drop something pick it up doing a squat:)
So many differently ways you can slowly add exercise into your daily routine.  Believe me, when you start off slow you will start to notice the urge to do more one day and then more the next day!  Before you know it, you are running on the treadmill for an hour everyday and wanting to!  Baby Steps!

Well, have a great Friday and remember......YOU CAN!

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