Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Technique Tuesday's: Pole Pull-Up's!!!

Aloha Polers, it's Tuesday!  Back at it and hopefully ready for this awesome week and weekend to come!!!!  This week's Technique Tuesday's strengthening move is the simple yet crucial Pole Pull-Up!!  The Pole Pull-Up seems easy as is but if you are used to regular Pull-Ups, taught wring how to do a Pull-Up or new to Pull-Ups all together you may go into them completely the wrong way and end up making it harder for yourself which can be discouraging as well as possibly injury your pretty little self and we DO NOT want to do that;)!  We are going to explain how to do a proper and effective Pole Pull-Up which will in return benefit you in Pole TREMENDOUSLY!!!  You will gain the strength to be able to pull yourself up into an invert instead of inverting from the ground and even from the middle of the pole be able to pull up into all sorts of awesome moves!  Well, let's get to it:

To start the Pole Pull-Up we want to start from the ground.  With the Pole directly in front of you and you on your Tippy Toes place your hands at about the same level as your face.  Your hands will be in the Hand Shake Grip position (Thumb on one side and all of your other fingers on the opposite side of the pole).  From here, roll your shoulders up and back slightly pushing your chest forward.  Then, without jumping up into it, pull your body up.  if you do not leave the floor it is okay!  You will eventually be able to lift yourself off the ground.  When I first started doing the Pole Pull-Up I looked like I wasn't doing anything because from start to finish it looked like I was in the same position but looks can be deceiving because the whole time I was working out those very muscles I needed to work to get into the Pole Pull-Up!  Try to hold yourself either as long as you can of 3 seconds to start.  Then slowly and safely lower yourself on to the ground.  Repeat switching your top hand and doing each side at least 3 times each side to ensure balancing the 'Good' and 'Bad' sides;)!

As I said before, please do no get discouraged if you do not leave the floor during this at the beginning because if you truly work at it you will be doing Pole Pull-Ups in no time!  I was NEVER able to do a Pull-p in my life until I started doing the Pole Pull-Ups during Pole.  After that I can actually do regular Pull-Ups as well!  This was a HUGE accomplishment for me because I was totally weak in my upper body strength.  So, with hard work and dedication you can TOTALLY get this move down therefore opening so many beautiful windows to new moves and tricks:)!!

Have a great Tuesday!!!

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