Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tippy Thursday's: Cleaning your Pole!!

Aloha Polers, it's Thursday!

This week's Tippy Thursday's Tip is on cleaning your pole!  Cleaning your pole or the pole you use at your local studio is VERY IMPORTANT!  It is very important for all the following reasons:

  • when you use the pole you tend to sometimes sweat which usually releases body oils and sometimes dead skin cells which can turn into a bad situation for the next user.
  • uncleaned pole can make it difficult for certain moves.
The most recommended cleaner for poles is Rubbing Alcohol.  Rubbing Alcohol always cleans the pole without leaving any reside which can cause the same issue as a dirty pole can.  The best way to use Rubbing Alcohol as a cleaner is to put it in a spray bottle, spray the Rubbing Alcohol on a towel and then wipe the pole clean.  

Keep your pole clean for the best results;)!

Have a great Thursday!

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